All photography provided by Malgorzata Sellery

We provide management training and workshops in English. You will develop skills and relationships. We combine practical business experience, strategy consulting, and academic teaching for an enriched learning environment. All workshops are interactive and engaging.


Our mission is to strengthen businesses by enriching the skills and networks of their people. 


“Stephen Sellery inspired our students. They were so involved. After class, during coffee break, this class is the one they talked about."

— Fellow professor, Jagiellonian University


Marketing skills workshops for non-marketing managers in the National Health Service of England. Participants included the Directors of Finance and Operations and Service Managers, including nurses and allied health professionals. 

Guided graduate medical students in creating entrepreneurial business plans. Results included new business concepts for health insurance, medical tourism clinics, and importing new dental implant technology from Germany.

Workshops followed by problem solving meetings with multiple stakeholders to identify solutions in hospital discharge planning and reducing complications of diabetes.

Our MBA in a Day workshop lets participants think like owners. building english skills and business skills, sharing experiences and ideas, the group transcends into a higher view of the business and its capabilities.



Who We Are


Stephen Sellery is a native speaker of English. He received his Masters in Business Administration with a dual major in Marketing and Finance from the University of California at Los Angeles. In Poland he has taught at Jagellonian University and at Clark University’s Masters in Public Administration Program held in conjunction with the Medical University of Lodz. He is in the doctoral program of Management at Kozminski University.

His business experience includes Strategic Planning at Thomson/Reuters Healthcare in the United States and management positions in the National Health Service of England.